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Whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Lovely,
Think on these things. Phil.iiij.8.

Helpful Aids for Christian Discipleship
Nowell's Catechisms
The Longer Catechism
Select Meditations of Bishop Hall
Select Prayers of Dr. Johnson
Collects After Sermons - J. Overton
Le Maistre d’escole
by Abraham Brosse, 1638.
A Prayer for Christian Faith
O Almighty God and heavenly Father; Open thou our eyes that we may see ourselves to be sinners in thy sight, partakers of a fallen nature, and actual transgressors against thee. Enable us to realize our continual need, both of thy pardoning mercy and of thy quickening grace; and to receive Jesus Christ as the only Savior of our souls. May we trust in his atonement, and rely on his intercession, as our only hope. Rejoicing in thy free salvation, and renouncing our own righteousness, may we walk in the way of thy commandments, serving thee faithfully, and striving against every sin; through the grace that is in Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen.
Sylvanus Urban & Co.
Whatsoever things are True, whatsoever things are Just, whatsoever things are Lovely,
Think on these things.

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